Beware Virtue Signaling- A Photo Essay
What is going on in the United States? Am I the only one concerned about the mandates coming down from our government? You must get a vaccine or be barred from restaurants, bars, theaters, grocery stores, gyms - basically everything, Without a vaccine you can’t play sports in many places. some doctors are refusing to see patients who won’t get the vaccine,. Even some people waiting on an organ transplant are being removed from the list because of their noncompliance. It doesn’t matter the reasons. Many places of employment, including hospitals and schools are dictating the employees must take the jab or lose their job. Really? At a time when we desperately need nurses and teachers?
You must wear a mask inside at all times. This includes everyone two years and up. It does not matter that the efficacy of masks has not been proven. And really, if you’d think it through, you’d understand that the Covid virus is so tiny it can sail through a mask as easily as a speck of dust can blow through a wide open window. And what are we doing to our children forcing them into masks several hours a day? Low blood oxygen? Reduced social interaction? Inability to learn well?
You must get a booster shot eight months after your vaccines are completed. Okay, another mandate passed down to us from our dictator, I mean president, on August 18. What mandate is coming next and how long are we going to accept them without question?
And do you know the worse part of it? Our government is using VIRTUE SIGNALING to pit us against one another and to bring us under their control while the elite do as they please, not wearing masks, nor social-distancing. Think Martha’s Vineyard and the huge birthday party recently. Think Nancy Pelosi at a fundraiser this past weekend. Their actions say, the rules are for thee not me.
Virtue signaling has caused us to lose our civility. We’ve become opposed to one another. We’ve forgotten to love each other deeply. Be honest. In your heart of hearts have you thought, I’ve had the vaccine and I wear my mask faithfully. That makes me a good person, in fact better than those no vaxers and those who won’t wear a mask or who won’t wear it properly.
I am happy for all of you who have completed your vaccines. I assume it was the best decision for you. I don’t mind seeing pictures of your documentation. I don’t even mind remarks about how the vaccine can save lives and info about where and how to get it. But, when did we stop having a choice about our own health? What happened to my body, my choice? That’s all I’ve heard since 1973.
Getting the vaccine isn’t the best decision for everyone. Some have natural immunity which is always stronger and lasts longer than a vaccine. Some have immune issues, seizure disorders or other things that might make this vaccine contraindicated. Others have been advised by their doctor not to take the vaccine until there is more research on it’s effect on the immune system. Then there are those who want to wait and see. This is the category James and I fell into. We aren’t opposed to vaccines. In fact, we strongly believe in them and after waiting to see for six months, we got our first shot just a few days ago.
What finally made us comfortable enough? Well, it certainly wasn’t mandates by the government or virtue signaling by others. It was the fact that our four siblings and one of our sons, close blood relatives, completed the vaccines and did fine. They encouraged, not hounded us, to get it as soon as we felt comfortable.
Friends I want to caution you about government mandates for vaccines and masks and booster shots, anything related to your health. Because what comes next? Forced sterilization like we employed at one time in this country? Forbidden treatment for those too old or too weak to guarantee a good outcome? Inhuman treatments for the mentally ill? This is a serious issue. Think it through. Don’t be afraid to speak out. Otherwise, we’ll lose freedoms and the next one just might be the right to bear arms and effectively protect ourselves.
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Linda Sawyer