Travel: Dream More - Part I

As we turn in the gates of Dream More, nestled in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, our level of excitement rises. We wonder about the name and anticipate many surprises in the resort.

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Devotion: Chop Chop!

Patience. Like most, I began learning it as a child. Having to wait for my mother to finish feeding my baby brother and get him down for his nap before she could read to me. Later in school I waited my turn in the school cafeteria, book mobile, even for the teacher to recognize my raised hand and call on me. 

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Devotional: Tenacity

James 1:12- Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. NIV

Has the Great Predator visited your life lately? Presented trials? Recently I saw a hawk swoop in for a feast at a mockingbird’s nest. He was all set to rob her of her hatchlings and although she was less than half his size, she gave chase and made quick work of getting rid of him.

God gives us other examples of tenacity in nature too: The dandelion that, having been mowed down, pops right back up and is a foot tall the next morning.


A tree branch in our yard made a complete 180 degree turn so it could reach the sunlight.


Then there's a tiny cedar, thriving where it was planted, in the split of a Bradford Pear tree.


Wouldn’t it be great if we were as single minded about following the Lord as these examples of nature are to survive? Satan and his band of demons work hard every day to separate us from serving our risen Christ. What’s one day of not reading your Bible and not praying going to hurt? God intended the Ten Commandments as suggestions, go ahead and lie, covet and put other things before God. He’ll understand. And on it goes until he robs us of the joy of living a life in Christ.

Tenacity is something Christians need plenty of and there are things in nature from which we can take lessons. When Satan feeds us lies, we can chase him off by uttering a prayer for strength and courage. When he mows down our hopes and dreams, we can turn to loving God for resilience. When he tries to hide the Light from us, we can open the Word and feel His will radiating to us. God is always there ready to make us strong in the face of the enemy’s temptations.

Almighty God, help us be more productive in our spiritual lives. Give us tenacity to chase off the devil like things in nature pursue what tries to destroy them. Amen.

Travel: Stepping Back in Time

James and I pass over the state line into New Hampshire from Massachusetts. We’re starting to see glimpses of the White Mountains ahead. It's the eve of our thirty-first wedding anniversary and we've decided to splurge and stay two nights in a grand hotel.  

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